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Showing results 164 to 183 of 299
2019Short stories of restorationVideo
2022A special day ay the Acropolis Museum- Family trailLeaflet
2018Spot the animals in the Acropolis Museum - Family trailLeaflet
2010The Temple of Athena Nike, after its reassembling. View from the eastImage
2011The Temple of Athena Nike, after its reassembling. View from the northeastImage
2001Temple of Athena Nike. An Ionic column capital, after its dismantling from the templeImage
2001Temple of Athena Nike, during the works of dismantling. View from the northeastImage
1995Temple of Athena Nike. Floor-plan of the monumentImage
1983Temple of Athena Nike. View of the northeast side of the temple before its dismantlingImage
2002Temple of Athena Nike. View of the temple after its total dismantling. View from the northeastImage
1998The Twelve Olympian GodsMuseum Kit
2007The Twelve Olympian GodsBook
2007The Twelve Olympian Gods: Game cards for the Gods of OlympusLeaflet
2007The Twelve Olympian Gods - Set of 12 leafletsLeaflet
2000"Tα νέα εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα ΄Πάμε στην Aκρόπολη΄ και ΄Πάμε στον Περίπατο της Aκροπόλεως΄". Περιοδικό Εικαστική Παιδεία (available only in greek)Publication
2004"Tο έργο του τμήματος Eνημέρωσης & Eκπαίδευσης της Aκρόπολης". Πρακτικά 5ης Διεθνούς Συνάντησης (available only in greek)Publication
2009"www.parthenonfrieze.gr". Τhe Acropolis Restoration News, YSMA, Issue 9Publication
2001"Xρήση του Πολιτισμικού Πλούτου σε μία Bιβλιοθήκη. Tο Παράδειγμα της Aκρόπολης". Πρακτικά Hμερίδας (available only in greek)Publication
2021Α Greek Temple...for kids!Book
Showing results 164 to 183 of 299