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Περίπατος_Ακρόπολης_μαθητής.pdf356.78 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
The_Acropolis_Peripatos_for_students.pdf351.21 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Title:  Let's Go to the Acropolis Peripatos - A child's pathfinder
Author/Creator: Καϊμάρα, Ειρήνη / Kaimara, Irene
Type: Leaflet
Date: 1999
Publisher: Υπηρεσία Συντήρησης Μνημείων Ακρόπολης
Acropolis Restoration Service
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11174/19
Other Identifiers: ISBN: 960-214-763-6 (ελλην. έκδοση)
ISBN: 960-86536-1-4 (english version)
Is Part Of: Πάμε στην Ακρόπολη [Museum Kit ]
Abstract:  The booklet is addressed to the pupil and it is in the form of a tale. The hero of the story is Menon, a little boy who lives in Athens at the end of the 4th century B.C. (315-300 B.C.). As he follows the course of the Peripatos around the Acropolis seeking the sanctuary of the god Asklepios, pupils learn about the unique monuments on the north and south slopes of the Acropolis. The booklet is part of the Museum Kit: "Let's Go to the Acropolis".
Extent: 16
User Role: Student
Subject: Daily Life
Language: Greek