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Browsing by "Author" : Κορρές, Μανόλης / Korres, Manolis
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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14

2001A Greek TempleBook
1998Let's Go to the Acropolis - Booklet for the EducatorLeaflet
1995The Acropolis during the 5th cent. BC. A model of. View from the westImage
1992The Acropolis and the south slope during 2nd cent. AD. A model of. View from the southImage
1992The Acropolis during the 4th mill. BC. A model of. View from the southImage
1992The Acropolis during 480 BC. A model of. View from the northwestImage
1992Parthenon. The construction of the temple during the 5th cent. BCImage
1989A day at the Acropolis. The Construction Of An Ancient Greek TempleLeaflet
1989A day at the Center for the Acropolis studies. The Sculptural Adornment Of The ParthenonLeaflet
1987Parthenon. The explosion of the temple in 1687 ADImage
1987Parthenon. The ancient temple converted into a Christian church during the 12th cent. viewed from the eastImage
1987Parthenon. The ancient temple converted into an Othoman mosque during 17th cent.Image
1987Parthenon. Floor-plan of the templeImage
1987Parthenon. Representation of the interior of the temple just after the fire of the end of the 4th cent. ADImage
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14