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Browsing by "Educational Level" : Life Long Education
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2022The Parthenon Frieze / www.parthenonfrieze.grOnline Application
2020Ακρόπολη και Αναστήλωση (only in greek)Lesson Plan
2019Short stories of restorationVideo
2019Οι Δρόμοι της Ανάπτυξης "Ακρόπολη: Έργα συντήρησης και αποκατάστασης"Video
2018(abstract) "Educational Activities of the Department of Information and Education (2003–2013)"Publication
2018(abstract) "Methodology for the enhancement of the independent school and family visit at the Athenian Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum". ProceedingsPublication
2018"A Greek Temple: A new web application on the architecture of the ancient greek temples". The Acropolis Restoration News, YSMA, Issue 17-18Publication
2015(abstract) "Acropolis restoration for kids...on site and online". ProceedingsPublication
2015"The Glafka Project". The Acropolis Restoration News, YSMA, Issue 14-15Publication
2014Acropolis Virtual Tour / www.acropolisvirtualtour.grOnline Application
2013Presentation of the restoration works on YouTube YSMA channelVideo
2012The Educational programme "A day at the Acropolis restoring its monuments". The Acropolis Restoration News, YSMA, Issue 12Publication
2012A day on the Acropolis and the restoration of the Acropolis monuments - Trail with mapLeaflet
2011"New activities and publications of the Information end Education Department during 2011". The Acropolis Restoration News, YSMA, Issue 11Publication
2011Ακρόπολη και ΕκπαίδευσηBook
2011"Ψηφιακή εφαρμογή: Αθηνά, η θεά της Ακρόπολης". Περιοδικό Καινοτομία, Έρευνα και Τεχνολογία, ΕΚΤ, τεύχος 84 (available only in greek)Publication
2011Athena, Goddess of the Acropolis / www.acropolis-athena.grOnline Application
2010Restoring the Athenian AcropolisTeacher's Pack
2009The Parthenon SculpturesBook
2009Parthenon Frieze Repository / repository.parthenonfrieze.grOnline Application
2009Παρθενώνας μέτρο και τελειότητα - Εκπαιδευτική τηλεόραση (only in greek)Video
2007The Twelve Olympian GodsBook
2003ΤΩΝ ΑΘΗΝΗΘΕΝ ΑΘΛΩΝ (Prizes from Athens. The Panathenaic Games)Book
2003ΤΩΝ ΑΘΗΝΗΘΕΝ ΑΘΛΩΝ (Prizes from Athens. The Panathenaic Games)Poster
2001The Athenian Acropolis through the 2nd century A.D.Poster
2001The Athenian Acropolis todayPoster
2001The Athenian Acropolis in 480 B.C.Poster
2001A Greek TempleBook
2001The Athenian Acropolis in the 4th millennium BCPoster
2000Parthenon PromenadesBook
1996The Acropolis of Athens in Antiquity (only in greek)Poster
1996Columns of the Three Orders of Ancient Greek Architecture (only in greek)Poster
1989A day at the Center for the Acropolis studies. The Sculptural Adornment Of The ParthenonLeaflet
1989A day at the Acropolis. Ancient Greek DressLeaflet
1987Morosini, the Venetians and the AcropolisBook
1987The explosion of the Parthenon by Morosini (only in greek)Video
Showing results 1 to 36 of 36